The first time I came across some common idioms of functional programming happened when I was working with .NET and came across the List methods. The findAll and ForEach methods. For me it was a revelation. I kept rewriting all the code on the project I was on, using these idioms.
Since functional languages were popular at that point of time and I discovered that such languages were where this idea had sprung from,, I decided to start learning Haskell. I'm still learning it, but one interesting thing about Haskell was that it is the Laziest functional language. Everything was automatically lazy and strictness had to be enforced somewhere when you really needed. Like say in the IO monad where you say when you want to print something, you mean like right now! So if I had to print the first 5 even natural numbers greater than some x, I could write this. (Warning: horribly contrived example and code).
f x = take 5 $ dropWhile (<x) $filter even [1..]
Notice the infinite list of natural numbers there? The reason this works is because Haskell is lazy. What really happens here is that when I print the output of that, the print function asks take 5 to return output. take 5 asks dropWhile to return 5 items. dropWhile asks filter to return items until it finds an item that is greater than x and then asks for the next and then filter asks the infinite source for even items and keeps doing so until dropWhile is satisfied. The realization here is that on the left side we have a source, on the right side is a sink. Everything else is a component meant to build a pipeline. Something about the system knows that this system's flow is governed by the sink, and so the pipeline components all pull output until the sink is satisfied. The idea is that I can write more idiomatic code and use things like infinite lists when I want to. .NET had done the same thing with the IEnumerable stuff from 3.5. So I could now write
InfiniteList.FindAll(Even).SkipWhile(y => y > x).Take(5)
I recently read about another realization. Another common pattern while programming is an event based system. Like a web application waiting for requests from someone. A Javascript function that makes an ajax call and displays the output on the screen and so on. Specifically, an async system where you wait for events to pour in and for each event you go on to perform some actions.
So imagine I had a system where I go on to call some number generator which dials up a service halfway across the world. the service spews out natural numbers. I want to register a callback function which waits for numbers, ignores the odd ones. Maintains a flag so it knows at least one such number has been greater than x and then gives me the next 5 numbers before swallowing them. (yeah I know, incredibly useful). Since this deals with state, let's do this in some imperative ruby style language. Typically I might have to say
def handler(n)
return if n % 2 == 1
@skip = false if n > x && @skip
return if @skip
@num_returned = 0 unless @num_returned
return if @num_returned > 5
@num_returned += 1
puts n
The beautiful functional style code has morphed to something so ugly all because I switched from pull to push async. But it's not hard to recognize that this problem is very very similar to the one I was previously solving. All that changed was the source here controls when stuff goes through the pipeline instead of the sink. So with the right tools I should be able to use the same pipeline tools as before and have the language features just switch the flow control around. Numbercaller should present the same interface as an iterable system, allowing me to use the same pipeline components, but should push stuff through the pipeline instead. I should be able to use not just each, but also map, dropWhile, take and so on. It's just a different take on Laziness Or as the article I'm going to link you to put it, the Observable pattern and the Iterable pattern are virtually the same thing. You can read all about it here. The Rx (Linq to Events).
Truth be told, I'm a little nervous about this pattern. It's a new abstraction and like all abstractions it has the potential to be leaky. Imagine we managed to implement this on some Javascript ajaxy interface. On the click of some item I want to make an ajax call. I want the result of the Ajax call to update some div.
Now with the new realization we have we'd like to write.
button.onClick = function(){
html = process(response)
$("blah").innerHtml = html
Now with the new realization we have we'd like to write.
responses = button.clickEvents.each(AjaxUpdater(url).map(process)).flatten
responses.each(function(html){$("blah").innerHtml = html})
Now, the important point here is that the first two lines need to happen at some random time in the future, and in fact repeatedly each time I get a response. But doSomethingElse needs to happen right away without waiting for click events to occur. Since the abstraction hides the fact that this event appears at some time in the future and potentially infinite times, it might mean that I accidentally make some event occur with every click? It might mean buggier code, or some unfortunate performance implications. It might simply mean we need much smarter interpreters. The reactor pattern (non-blocking io). has become very popular of late. It involves converting a lot of operations that are traditionally treated as synchronous, such as writing to disk, or making a blocking call for data without which you cannot proceed, to asynchronous. It has some very interesting implications and provides considerable performance advantages. This pattern might make writing code with the reactor pattern as idiomatic as code which treats these operations as synchronous.
What do you mean by "an abstraction that has the potential to be leaky"?
ReplyDeletewell you know the joke that all abstractions are leaky abstractions. This is because an abstraction is about hiding detail and eventually someone needs to manipulate the details. But some are leakier than others. When even basic usage requires peeking through the veil or knowledge of the other side, you have a problem.
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